Leadenhall Market, London’s Best Food Market

The city of London, and England as a whole, has a reputation as not being an exciting food destination, but that when you take the time to taste fresh, local cuisine you find that is not the case. Food markets, gourmet restaurants and pubs that stock local brews are all things that the first time traveler to London can find with the help of a food tour.

Why Take a Food Tour

Oftentimes the only places tourists visit are the restaurants and dining options that they are steered to as part of their travels. Most of these destinations do not give visitors an authentic idea of London cuisine. A food tour can show you where the locals shop, eat and drink, leading you to the best and oldest food markets in London.

Where a London Food Tour Goes

There are several daily, weekly and season food markets throughout the city of London, some of which have been operating for hundreds of years. Vendors feature fresh cheeses, hard meats, freshly prepared snacks and treats and other foods that you want to try when you are traveling. Many of these markets are also where you will find some of the best restaurants, the places where the locals go.

London’s Best Food Market

One discovery you will be especially pleased by is, Leadenhall Market, and other historic food markets that you can continue shopping from during your stay. This, and other markets, make it easy for travelers to pick and choose items for meals or enjoy a prepared meal from some of the best chefs in the city, that shop right there in the market for fresh food to use in their restaurants.

Maria Clark is a local food enthusiast and traveler, she enjoys visiting locals near and far for the food.

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